
Library faculty and staff provide the following services to assist you in meeting your needs.

Borrowing & Circulation

The Circulation department handles all services related to borrowing WSU and Summit library materials, including check-out, renewals, fines, course reserves and laptop checkout.


The Library's collection policies, donation information and purchase recommendation information can be found on the Collections page.

Course Reserves

Looking for items placed on reserve for your course?  Check out the Course Reserves page for information about how to find course reserves and how to place items on reserve.


Library faculty can visit your classroom in person or via video conference, or to contribute asynchronous instruction by creating online guides, videos, tutorials, or by participating in Canvas forums as “embedded librarians” for a course

Interlibrary Loan Services (ILLiad)

The Interlibrary Loan department handles all services related to borrowing materials from other libraries.

Subject Librarians

Library faculty serve as liaisons to campus programs, providing research consultation for students and faculty, teaching classes on how to effectively conduct research, and purchasing materials that support campus classes.