Library closed July 27 - August 11

Submitted by nmcampbell on

The Library will be closed from Saturday, July 27 – Sunday, August 11.  We will reopen Monday, August 12th through Friday, August 16th from 10a-4pm. Check the Library hours page for updates.

During this time, the following services will be available:

  • Access to the Library's catalog, databases, full-text journals, interlibrary loan, reserve forms, and office delivery, etc. will continue to be available through the Library’s website.
  • Reserves requests for Fall semester may be submitted through the Instructor Reserves Information page. Please allow up to two weeks for processing. Faculty may submit articles and other electronic items electronically as they do normally. Faculty may also submit physical items for reserves (personal copies of books, etc.) by filling out the electronic form above and then submitting the items via campus mail attention to Chris Wiley-Smith.
  • Library personnel will regularly check the Circulation Desk phone (360)546-9680 and the Library's email ( Mon - Fri 9am-3pm and will respond to questions.

We will do our best to assist you during this closure. Please let us know (by the contact info above or by dropping me a message) if you have questions, concerns or need assistance.