Databases: L

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Alphabetical List of Databases
Database Name Database Description
Latino American Experience

A full-text database focusing on the history and culture of Latinos living in the United States. Includes primary documents, images, Spanish-language content, a timeline, and Web sites.

Dates of coverage: Coverage varies.
Content Type: encyclopedia, primary sources
Left Index

The Left Index is a complete guide to the diverse literature of the left, with an emphasis on political, economic, social and culturally engaged scholarship inside and outside academia. Coverage includes more than 247,500 citations and abstracts (with some full text) and spans from 1982 and earlier to present.

Dates of coverage: 1982 - present
Content Type: scholarly articles
Lexicomp Online

A series of databases providing up-to-date and relevant information on drugs, including over 9000 drugs and comprehensive drug-to-drug, drug-to-herb and herb-to-herb interaction analysis.

Dates of coverage: Coverage varies.
Content Type: data, encyclopedia
Lexis-Nexis Academic (now Nexis Uni)

Now called Nexis Uni, this database includes more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis with an intuitive interface that offers quick discovery across all content types, personalization features such as Alerts and saved searches and a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents. Includes court decisions, full text law reviews, thousands of full text news sources in English and foreign languages, and current data on 13 million companies.

Dates of coverage: Coverage varies.
Content Type: news, primary sources, scholarly articles
Library Literature & Information Science Index

Index to library and information science periodicals.

Dates of coverage: 1984 - present
Content Type: scholarly articles
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

Index of articles, books and conference proceedings on information and library science. Subjects covered include information retrieval, information management, search engines, and the information industry.

Dates of coverage: 1966 - present
Content Type: scholarly articles
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts

Indexes and abstracts articles in the study of language,including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics and descriptive, historical, comparative, theoretical and geographical linguistics.

Dates of coverage: 1973 - present
Content Type: scholarly articles
Literature Criticism Online

A database of encyclopedias of literary criticism, including: Children's literature review; Contemporary literary criticism; Literature criticism from 1400 to 1800; and Nineteenth-century literature criticism.

Dates of coverage: Coverage varies.
Content Type: encyclopedia
Literature Resource Center

A comprehensive online database which contains full text articles from scholarly journals and literary magazines, critical essays, work and topic overviews, full text works, biographies and more.

Dates of coverage: Coverage varies.
Content Type: scholarly articles
LWW Health Library - Basic and Anatomical Sciences

Database contains full text access to selected biomedical and basic science books and multimedia assets.

Dates of coverage: Coverage varies.
Content Type: ebooks