Collection Policy and Mission Statement
The purpose of the WSU Vancouver Archives & Special Collections is to preserve cultural and historical materials related to the WSU Vancouver campus community and the historic content of the surrounding Southwest Washington region. The Archives & Special Collections accepts special and unique collections originating from the university, alumni and associates. Materials that fall outside of the recognized geographical definition will be accepted only when materials specifically support faculty and student scholarship at WSU Vancouver. The chief function of the Archives & Special Collections is to organize, describe, preserve, and provide access to these sources. A further intention of the Archives & Special Collections is to provide a selection of materials through a series of digital projects and collections.
Primary Sources: WSU Vancouver campus, Clark County, and the surrounding Southwest Washington region: culture, history and historical documentation.
Printed Collections: Northwest, North America. A limited number of materials originating from Europe.
a. Languages: English is the primary language found in the collections.
b. Chronology: The primary focus is on the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
c. Geography: Emphasis is on the WSU Vancouver campus, Clark County, and the surrounding region of Southwest Washington, but other geographical regions are documented and/or represented.
d. Types of Material: Books, manuscripts, photographs, compact discs, videotapes, audio tapes, slides, maps, ephemera, and digital formats.
WSU Vancouver Archives & Special Collections materials are acquired by gift. The collections include unique primary source materials that have a potential research value for faculty, students and the local community.
Contact the Archives & Special Collections
Robert Schimelpfenig
(360) 546-9249